Unlock the wellness support teachers and staff need

Navigating mental health and wellness for your students while also teaching them is a tall order. With SBCOE, educators get comprehensive support and a roadmap to better wellness for themselves and students.

Trusted by schools & organizations like yours

The Definitive Guide to Mental Health Programs for K-12

K-12 wellness experts came together to determine the 6 essential keys to a comprehensive and effective wellness solution for Ohio schools.

Seeing the signs of disjointed wellness?

Give your staff a wellness framework that helps them address the core issues at the heart of classroom struggles.

click or hover to see how we help
Teachers and staff wearing too many hats
Get staff back to doing what they do best
Burnt out staff
Promote staff satisfaction and retention
Spiking behavior incidents
Reestablish a safe classroom
Declining performance
Boost student performance and engagement

Staff wellness can be difficult to handle alone

Teachers and staff have been expected to navigate wellness even though they weren’t trained to do so.

Sounds difficult, doesn’t it?

That’s why we’ll help you identify the right approach to train your staff and give you a comprehensive roadmap to help them improve outcomes.

Reduce teacher and staff burnout

Band aid fixes for wellness issues don’t lead to long-term solutions and give your team energy.

By addressing wellness and promoting mental health resources, you remove barriers to learning and unlock the best of your staff’s potential.


The required amount of effort feels overwhelming
Teachers dealing with disengaged students
Academic growth hindered


Improved morale, productivity, & motivation
Reduced absenteeism and greater classroom engagement
Confidence in data driven outcomes

Comprehensive wellness solution


The required amount of effort feels overwhelming


A wellness roadmap that improves students’ lives


Teachers dealing with disengaged students


Reduced absenteeism and greater classroom engagement


Academic growth hindered


Confidence in data driven outcomes

You may be thinking ...

“Will this add more work to my plate?”

For optimal student and staff well-being, consider hiring a full-time Behavioral Health & Wellness Coordinator (BHWC).

If that doesn’t fit with your school’s resources, we’ll work with your school to find a solution that fits your resources, possibly using existing staff or dividing the BHWC’s duties among multiple team members.

MTSS is only one part of student wellness. SBCOE provides schools with an SAP framework, which encompasses MTSS but provides a broader framework for boosting K-12 wellness.

Our mental health and wellness frameworks aren’t something that you handle in addition to your teaching workload.

Our wellness training, coaching, and resources serve as a foundation to your existing plan, enhancing the way staff interact with other staff members, students, and parents.