Elevate student wellness with comprehensive solutions

Trusted by schools & organizations like yours

Wellness affects every area of student life

It’s not just about getting “👍🏻” on wellness check-ins.

When schools and districts address the root causes of student struggles with SBCOE, they drive results in every area of student life:

Unique approaches for every school.

Off-the-rack tools, counseling services, and frameworks may not address the unique needs of each district and school.

Partner with a team that understands how to right-size mental health resources to your school’s “DNA”.

A guided approach to improved student wellbeing

Short-term fixes without comprehensive focus won’t drive better outcomes for students. The SBCOE guides and helps you build a sustainable framework for long-term results.


Systematic framework

What are your district’s big picture needs?


practices & programming

Which partners and resources provide Tier II & III support?


Staff support & development

Do staff have the ability and capacity to receive training on successful implementation?

Unlock wellness with a Student Assistance Program

A Student Assistance Program, or SAP, is a key component of our framework and offers a comprehensive range of care to promote both student and staff wellness. With the help of a Behavioral Health & Wellness Coordinator, the program connects students to resources and removes barriers to learning.

Case study: Kinder Elementary

After partnering with SBCOE to implement an SAP plan, Kinder Elementary boosted student wellness and saw major results:

reduction in major behavior incidents
reduction in suspensions
reduction in excessive absences
increase in ELA and 6.2% increase in MAP math scores
increase in ELA and 11% increase in OST math scores

You may be thinking ...

“We have online resources available for student wellness.”

Traditional resources are certainly helpful, but they often don’t address the big picture. That means solutions aren’t set up to scale or last a long time.

By engaging with your school, we can determine a big picture road map to wellness for your K-12 and equip you with the tools to achieve it.

MTSS is only one part of student wellness. SBCOE provides schools with an SAP framework, which encompasses MTSS but provides a broader framework for boosting K-12 wellness.