Train and sustain school wellness superheroes

Quick solutions and band aid fixes to K-12 wellness won’t make life better for students long term. That’s why SBCOE doesn’t gatekeep what we’ve learned about K-12 wellness.


We train your team to have the right skills, frameworks and mindsets based on proven research — making them wellness “superheroes” for each other and your students.

Trusted by schools & organizations like yours


Teachers and staff need more help

of K-12 staff have not received professional development focused on mental health issues NCES
of teachers believe professional development on managing stress and promoting wellness would be beneficial American Psychological Association
of teachers feel they don’t have training to address mental health in the classroom School Mental Health Journal

7 Ways SBCOE Simplifies K-12 Wellness

Discover the key reasons why Ohio schools trust the SBCOE for effective, scalable, long-term solutions.

Tap into support and guidance

Your K-12 workforce has been expected to navigate wellness without the training they need to successfully implement it.

SBCOE doesn’t hand you materials and walk away. Your team gets support from K-12 wellness experts every step of the way.

Get the next generation excited about wellness careers

We’re not just getting today’s K-12 leaders excited about wellness, we’re getting tomorrow’s leaders on board too.

Through outreach programs and visits to middle schools, high schools and colleges, SBCOE introduces students to the rewarding opportunities in school wellness careers and provides resources to learn more.

Invest in long-term solutions


Efforts and interventions that aren’t working
Teachers dealing with disengaged classrooms
Lack of improvement in students and staff


Improved morale, productivity, & motivation
Reduced absenteeism and greater classroom engagement
Confidence in driving better outcomes

Comprehensive wellness solution


Efforts and interventions that aren’t working


Improved morale, productivity, & motivation


Teachers dealing with disengaged classrooms


Reduced absenteeism and greater classroom engagement


Lack of improvement in students and staff


Confidence in actually driving better outcomes

You may be thinking ...

“Right now student wellness is our top priority. We’ll address teachers and staff later.”

Wellness is crucial for K-12 teachers and staff as it directly impacts their ability to effectively support and educate students.

When teachers and staff are well-supported and prioritize their own wellness, they are better equipped to create a positive and nurturing environment that promotes student well-being and academic success.

We recommend a full-time BHWC to yield better outcomes and support teachers and staff long-term.

But we’ll collaborate with your school to find a solution that aligns with your resources. This could involve leveraging existing staff such as counselors or social workers, or dividing the BHWC’s duties among multiple team members.

Traditional resources are certainly helpful, but they often don’t address the big picture.

By engaging teachers and staff in 1:1 relationships, we can create comprehensive solutions that address the specific nature of your school and community.